Thomas, G -Sacred Marriage & Lifelong Love Combo
Sacred Marriage Mass Market
Your marriage is more than a sacred covenant with another person.
It is a spiritual discipline designed to help you know God better, trust him more fully, and love him more dearly.
Gary Thomas’s Sacred Marriage has attained the rank of a contemporary classic. Its unique and inspiring perspectives on marriage as a spiritual discipline have influenced well-known church leaders, popular teachers, and thousands of readers worldwide.
Sacred Marriage doesn’t tell how to build a better marriage—it shows how your marriage can help you deepen your relationship with God. From the practice of forgiveness, to the ecstasy of lovemaking, to the history you and your spouse create together, everything about your marriage is filled with the potential for discovering and revealing Christ’s character.
Now with discussion questions for couples and small groups, this book may very well alter your marriage profoundly. It will most certainly change you. Because whether it is delightful or difficult, your marriage can become a doorway to a closer walk with God.
“How I wish that Sacred Marriage had been available when Rick and I got married! I enthusiastically recommend it to couples contemplating, or who have already entered into, marriage, the most powerful tool God has for molding and shaping us into the image of his Son.” —Kay Warren, Teacher and Speaker
Lifelong Love Hardcover
In a Lifelong Love, Thomas focuses on three key elements to having a strong marriage: a magnificent obsession with God (creating a marriage that blossoms through worship), a passion to pursue a deeper kind of love, and intentionally pursuing oneness. The end game? Closer to God, closer to love, and closer to each other. Whether readers are feeling discouraged about their marriage or simply want to infuse their relationship with greater spiritual and relational passion, A Lifelong Love offers the guidance they need to embrace the eternal intentions that God has for them.